The Worker Support Centre
We prevent labour abuse and exploitation and ensure workers’ experiences directly inform policy. We deliver support across Scotland to people in workplaces with a high-risk of labour exploitation. We build worker power to influence treatment at work. We believe all workers should be treated with respect and dignity and help make this a reality.
Contact us
We provide advice, support and information to workers in seasonal agriculture at present and will extend this service to other workers in future.
Call us for free on 0800 058 1633, Tuesday-Friday: 1500-1730 (At all other times leave a message) or email us to get free and confidential support and advice on your rights at work and during your stay in the UK.
We speak Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Kurdish Kurmanji, Italian, French, Spanish and English or can provide interpretation.
Individuals supported
In 2024, WSC supported a groundbreaking meeting between seasonal agricultural workers, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, the Scottish Government and people from across the UK as part of our Worker Power project. Watch our film to find out more.