ITN investigation into seasonal worker accommodation.

The Worker Support Centre (WSC) today publishes its latest report on seasonal worker accommodation. Workers on the Seasonal Worker visa working in agriculture are almost all housed in employer provided accommodation, encompassing caravans or metal containers. This accommodation is charged at a rate set out in the Agricultural Wages Order (AWO) and HMRC of up to £9.99 per day.

This briefing outlines the issues that WSC encounters related to this housing, including: Uninhabitable and unsafe accommodation; Poor price-quality ratio; High additional charges and penalties; Discrimination in accommodation provided; and Short-notice evictions and homelessness.

WSC’s review of legislation in this area finds a significant gap with regards to seasonal worker temporary accommodation, which falls outside existing standards and enforcement regimes.

In the report WSC calls on the Scottish and UK Governments to review the apparent gap in legislation and oversight, by:

1. Introducing amendments to housing legislation to clarify the local authority duty to inspect seasonal worker accommodation and the relevant standards to be applied.

2. Publishing guidance accompanying the Agricultural Wages Order clarifying types of accommodation and occupancy rates to which the maximum charge of £9.99 per day applies.

3. Clarifying the legal status of occupants of seasonal worker accommodation.

Read the full report at the link below!