The Worker Support Centre (WSC) is embarking on a new project that will develop a worker-led model for seasonal farm workers to drive forward policy change.

Thanks to the support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the WSC will conduct ongoing participatory engagement with seasonal migrant farm workers to develop a collective understanding of their experiences in the UK, and to develop priority actions for policy change.

For the first time in the more than 70-year history of migrant workers in UK seasonal agriculture, workers will be supported to create new and claim existing spaces for engagement in policy making, so that workers’ voices and experiences are heard. This project will also contribute to a model for democratic accountability work with temporary migrant workers across labour sectors, as we build our organisational understanding and document our learning.

WSC peer engagement and outreach workers, with lived experience of work in seasonal agriculture, will lead engagement, with the support of an advisory committee which will bring insights and learning from similar work in comparable contexts.

Our team are very excited to start this work! For more information, do not hesitate to get in touch – If you’d like to support our work, please donate here.